This Week On UpStreet

July 21, 2024

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For week 3, we head to Romans 12:15. Paul wrote to the church in Rome about what true love looked like. Part of sharing the love of Jesus means showing empathy and being sad with others who were sad or joyful with others who were joyful. When we do that, we can help others to see not only our love, but the love of Jesus too.

Bottom Line: You can help others find joy. Can you think of a time when you went through something difficult, but someone was there for you during that? What about when you received the best news ever During the ups and downs, knowing someone was there for you helped to make that situation so much better. The same is true the other way around. We have a chance to be there for others and help them experience joy too.

☝️This week ask your child: "What are ways you can help others find joy?"

Devotionals for this week:

K-1st Grade2nd-3rd Grade4th-5th Grade

Cue the Convos!

Check out these conversation starters.
K-3rd Grade4th-5th Grade