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For the Next Generation

What if tomorrow's church hinges on how we show up for the next generation today? Matt, Northpoint's Student Ministry Director, shares powerful stories and practical insights on how fun, belonging, and empowerment can transform their faith forever and how you may have a key role to play as well. Whether you're a parent, a leader, or just curious, you can be FOR the next generation too.
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This series is about uncovering and replacing false narratives about God with the truth of who He really is, as revealed in Jesus. By reshaping our understanding of God’s character, we can experience transformation in our faith, relationships, and lives.
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Built to Last

We all long for deep, lasting relationships—but real intimacy doesn’t happen by accident. In a world that often prioritizes convenience over commitment, how do we build relationships that truly endure? Whether you're married, single, or somewhere in between, discover how aligning your relationships with God’s design leads to greater love, trust, and fulfillment.
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A Beginner's Guide to Winning At Life

We all want to win at life and every year, we think about what we could do differently in our lives to help us win. But what if winning at life was less about doing more and more about doing the right things, consistently, for the right purposes? And what if we could create a structure to our life that enabled us to win for a lifetime?
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The Christmas Story

The Christmas story is a story that changes everything. In this series, we'll be walking through one of the most famous stories in all of human all leading up to a moment that changed human history for ever.
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Peace in the Pieces

Where do you go to find peace when life feels like it's falling to pieces? What about when life is fine on the outside, but you can't seem to find internal peace?
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For Austin

For too long the church has been known for what it’s against. We want to be known for what we’re For. 15 years ago, 24 adults and 32 kids set out to start a church that is For Austin. If we’re going to be For Austin, we have to create space for the people of Greater Austin.
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Choosing Sides

Political divisiveness is nothing new. Even Jesus had to navigate tricky political situations. In this 2 part series, we are reminded that God is in charge. And if we are truly Jesus followers, we are called to do as he did - think before we speak or act, and to love others no matter what – even if we totally disagree with them.
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The Way of Jesus

In this 5 part series “The Way of Jesus”, we talk about who Jesus is, what following Him looks like, and why life is better in relationship with Him. We will explore his declaration “I am the way, the truth, and the life” and what that actually means. And we will consider that maybe Jesus is not just a means to an end but is the answer to what we’ve been looking for and the only provider of genuine fulfillment.
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God designed us to live in relationship with one another. Then why is it so hard to make and maintain friendships as adults? In this message, we learn there are practical steps to help prioritize community and pursue meaningful relationships. What if it was as easy as “showing up” and “being real”?
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The [Im]perfect Family

In this new series on family, we wrestle with the contrast between our idealized notions of family and the complex realities of family. We are encouraged to be authentic about our struggles and victories AND find grace in the tension between the two.
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In Our DNA

In this 2-part series called “In Our DNA”, we give a behind the scenes look at who Northpoint is, what we are all about, and why we do what we do - our heartbeat.
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Passion Projects

In this series called "Passion Projects" our teaching team shares personal insights about aspects of life and faith they are passionate about.
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Where Your Feet Are

We all have a desire to be “where our feet are” - to be fully present and in the moment with our relationships, work and faith. So why is it so difficult? In this 4 part series, we will tackle the challenges of living “undistracted” and explore ways to be “where our feet are”. God wants to meet you right where you are.
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Now What: The Story After the Resurrection

Whether you’re a Jesus follower or not, this 3-part series will challenge you to reconsider your understanding of Jesus and his significance. What if he’s not just a figure from the past but a guiding light for us today? Now what?
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Easter 2024

If Jesus is Lord, it changes everything about this life and the next. If the resurrection is a verifiable event of history, then Jesus is the ultimate answer to every desire of our heart. He is what we’re looking for every time we check our stock portfolio hoping for more, every time we plan our trip around the world to find ourselves, every time we switch relationships or jobs hoping the grass is greener, every time we wonder what is missing, or if we could be happier. Easter is not just an inspirational story, but an event of ultimate consequence.
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Three Words

Three words… “It is finished”. In Greek it means, "to bring to an end, to complete, to accomplish”. Good Friday, Jesus' death through crucifixion, reminds us that when Jesus declared “It is finished” it was for all mankind, for all time, and he meant it. It is finished, and now, we simply get to choose to accept the invitation or not.
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Dream Team | A One-Off Message

Our vision and mission is to “ inspire people to follow Jesus” and to “make Jesus relevant for everyone in Greater Austin”. We want people to know there is a God who loves them and is for them. And we want to be a church that is for each other, for our community, and for growth, belonging, and purpose. In order to fulfill our vision and mission as a church, we need a “Dream Team” - we need you!
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90,000: Why Your Work Matters

We all want to live lives that matter - with meaning and purpose. In this series, we will look at the purpose of work. Not just about what we do and how we do it, but “why” we do it and “why” it matters. What if you could wake up tomorrow and instead of dreading work, you could wake up filled with purpose? What if the purpose of your work is to contribute good to the world?
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Who Am I?

In this series, we are exploring identity. It’s a familiar concept yet difficult to define. Oftentimes, we define ourselves in relation to someone or something. Our identity becomes contingent on external conditions, qualifications, achievements, or labels. But what if we chose an identity that was non-contingent?
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Christmas Eve 2023

Christmas is when heaven met earth, when God came to be with us as Jesus the King. A king who does not seek power and glory but one who walks humbly and who seeks to serve. Jesus illuminates our way forward and shows us what is true. We are the light of the world when we reflect his light and life. And that is the greatest gift Christmas could offer.
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When Heaven Met Earth

When you think about God - what comes to mind? And what would it look like, this Christmas season, to see God differently? To approach him differently? To relate to him differently?
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We all want more - more money, time, activities, stuff. But is “more” really giving us what we ultimately desire? What we all realize eventually is that the pursuit of more, for the sake of more, will eventually leave us with less. What if we already have everything we need?
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Refocus, A One Off Message

Our vision, both literal and figurative, can get clouded by things that distract us or block our view. This impacts our priorities, emotions, and direction in life. Pride, fear and anxiety are common obstacles that impair our vision and keep us from seeing clearly.
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Those People

What comes to mind when you think about “those people”? Maybe it’s a neighbor, co-worker or family member that just totally annoys you? Or maybe it’s a whole group of people that just get under your skin? I mean - how could they think that way? Does God really love “those people”? Are we really supposed to unconditionally love “those people”? What if we are “those people”?
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No Longer Difficult

Jesus didn’t make it difficult for people to turn to God, he made it simple. This idea is based on biblical principles found in the book of Acts. This is one of the most foundational passages that informs and inspires so much of what we do at Northpoint. In this message series, we will share how Northpoint started, where we are headed, and what our dreams and goals are with you in mind. We want to make it clear where to go, what to expect, and how to see yourself here. We want to be intentional about our environments with the assumption that we have guests every single week mustering up the courage to give church a shot.
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Heart to Heart

Have you ever wondered how God thinks of you? Or whether his thoughts about us change depending on our behavior or attitude? In this series, we'll be having a heart-to-heart—but not with each other. We'll be taking a look at the heart of God toward his people, told through one of Jesus' parables. To miss the heart of God is to miss the heart of the Christian faith.
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Known for It

What do you want to be known for? If you look at your life now, are you actually known for that? When there's a gap between where you are and where you want to be, one of the most helpful things to do is surround yourself with people who know the real you, who can encourage you toward the thing you truly want to be known for.
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Time Well Spent

We all know that our time is limited and that one day, our lives will come to an end. But it's not something many of us really want to think about, and it's easy to live as though we'll be around forever. How can we begin to live as if our time is limited and make our days count—both now and in a way that will last?
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Love Where You Live

At its very core, the message of Jesus can be distilled down to two basic instructions: Love God. Love People. Even if that's not a new idea, you might not realize just how intertwined the two are. In this series, we'll take a look at one of the stories Jesus told that helps illustrate how our love for God should guide our love for those around us.
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Rules for the Road

We all want to end up somewhere. But on the road to where we're going, there are detours, wrong turns, and forks in the road. How can we be sure we get to our intended destination? By staying on the road that actually leads there. In this series, we'll look a a few tips to ensure you reach your destination.
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Bend, Don't Break

In life, we will all bend. Jesus tells us that in this world, we will have trouble and it is precisely this trouble that causes us to have to bend. But when we get so overwhelmed, overcommitted, and overexposed, we bend to the point of breaking. But this is not the life that Jesus wants us to live!Jesus offers us a relationship designed to keep us from breaking — because He promises to shoulder the burden with us.
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Comfort Zone

What immediately comes to mind when you think of the term “comfort zone?” Maybe it’s an image of your favorite food or drink, your cozy bed, or sitting on the couch with your favorite Netflix show. Perhaps it’s more about the people than the things — hanging out with those who are easy or who know you well. Essentially, our comfort zone is defined by steadiness, ease, and a minimization of risk. But is this truly where happiness, fulfillment, and peace are found?
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Easter 2023

Following Jesus' crucifixion, all of the claims he'd made about himself were proven once and for all when God raised him from the dead. On Easter, we celebrate because we can have peace with God through the sacrifice of His son. The resurrection stands at the center of history, and at the center of our stories.
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Investigating Jesus

Christian or not, most people recognize that Jesus was an influential figure while He walked on this earth. Two thousand years later, people still recognize His name and remember some of the most prominent details of his life. His influence still reverberates around the world. But who is Jesus of Nazareth, really? How do we know that the Bible recounts His life accurately? This new series investigates the person of Jesus and the implications for us if what we discover is true.
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Love Handles

Relationships are complicated. But we do have some “love handles” that will have a positive impact on our relationships and set us up for long-lasting success. No matter what youre relationship status is, we think these tools will impact your relationships for the better.
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Choose Your Character

Have you ever played a video game or made a Facebook avatar? There’s a lot of research that shows that people tend to create avatars and choose characters that they feel represent themselves in some way, shape, or form. Ultimately, this research shows us that we value character and we truly desire to be of good character. In this series, we'll look at how we can develop character, first by watching before we actually do anything.
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Hope can be hard to define. Is it an emotion, or a way of being? Where does it come from? This Christmas season, we're talking about where our hope comes from, and how we can look to the past to find a reason to hope in the future.
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Medicine for the Soul

The holidays are in full swing, and this time of year, it’s not unusual to feel like we’re being pulled in every direction. Depending on what else is going on in your life, it’s also not unusual to wonder why we just aren’t as joyful as we think we ought to be. What if cultivating joy in our lives is the medicine our souls need this holiday season?
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Set Free

Have you wanted to stop or start something to correct a problem in your life? Have you tried what seems like a million different things and yet you still feel stuck? What if the problem you’re trying desperately to fix isn’t the real problem? What if the real problem is simply a symptom of something else that requires an entirely different solution? We’re exploring what it looks like to be set free, even after all our outworking and outsmarting has seemingly failed us.
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Money See, Money Do

Did you know that 16 out of 38 of Jesus’ parables revolve around one subject? Would you be surprised to know that subject is money? What’s more astounding is that not one time did Jesus ever actually ask for money. Why then did He talk about it so often? Because He knew that if we see money how God sees money, we will be more inclined to do what God says about money. Why is obedience with money so important? It may have more implications for your heart than your wallet than you might think.
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How do you know if something is relevant to your life? Usually, we deem something relevant if it’s interesting, if we connect with it, if we’re drawn back to it time and time again. It can also be something meaningful in our current culture, but it ends up being just a fad. But what about Jesus? Is He relevant to our lives? And why does it matter? Jesus’ relevance to our lives has impacts far beyond us. How we conduct our lives can directly impact the relevance of Jesus to others. As followers of Christ, we are called to be like Christ. The way we interact with others can be a powerful way to present a different representation of Jesus than what people think.
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White Noise

For most of us, interruptions are unavoidable. Knowing this, how we deal with them becomes critical. Jesus was interrupted countless times — someone always wanted something. And yet, He handled these interruptions well because of how He protected his time and how He viewed people.
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The Front Porch

Have you ever thought about the history of the front porch? Do you notice how most houses now don’t have them? Instead, we tend to build up our back porch with the TV, the comfortable furniture, and pools. This isn’t a bad thing necessarily, but it does contribute to the loneliness and isolation of our current culture. We do, however, have ways where we can prioritize “front porch living” and experience life-giving connection and community.
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Wind in Your Sails

Sometimes life is great — you’re moving at a good pace and you feel good. And there are sometimes when our life feels stagnant — there is no wind in our sails. You might feel stuck and hopeless. Our first inclination may be to blame others or our circumstances. But the consequence of continually looking only outside of ourselves keeps the wind out of our sails. Knowing that Jesus wants us to live an abundant life means there can be true freedom and restoration when we own what is ours to own.
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This is How We Change the World

Some things in life need to be experienced because they can’t be fully explained. The same is true with Jesus. We can try to explain him, but words don’t seem to do it justice. Things like unconditional love, forgiveness, and peace are so much richer when you have actually experienced them. But once we have experienced Jesus, we can’t keep it to ourselves. What does it look like to change the world? Inviting people to “come and see” what Jesus is all about.
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These days, "freedom" has so many different meanings for different people and different circumstances. Freedom from what? And FOR what? But scripture gives us insight into how we can all find true freedom, no matter where you are in your faith journey. Subscribe to stay up-to-date on all things Northpoint! Thank you for giving to support Northpoint: STAY CONNECTED: Website: Facebook: Instagram: #Northpoint #Jesus #2022 #JordanGeist #stories #churchonline #inspiration #faith #savior #freedom #NorthpointAustin
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What does it mean to live an extraordinary life? Does it mean that you accomplish the big things, get recognized for the heroic actions, or stand before millions of people to accept an award? Perhaps sometimes, yes, this is true. But it is also equally true that some of the most extraordinary people who have walked this earth are those who operate behind the scenes. They aren’t the ones clamoring for accolades or recognition. Their names are not the ones plastered on the front headlines of the newspaper. Even without all of that, the impact they have on the lives of others is unquantifiable. But this is true of people in our current spheres, but also in biblical times.
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When Faith & Culture Collide

Every generation has witnessed events they could not have imagined. While we’ve seen unfathomable progress, we have also seen incredible wounding and division. Sometimes it seems that the mess of life and the chaos in our culture keep us in a constant state of weariness. And this can also wear on our faith. How can we find peace and rest within a world that is constantly stirred up and changing?
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Easter 2022

Of all the moments in history, none is as significant to our faith as Easter. It's the moment that changed everything. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the foundation of everything we believe.
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Why Did Jesus _____?

While Jesus was alive, he said and did some things that may seem confusing. Why did he even come into the world in the first place? Why did he make some people so angry? Why did he have to die? What about his life and death makes our life what it is today?
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It’s the beginning of Daylight Saving Time, so what better opportunity is there to talk about time? DST was created so we would have the appearance of more time, but does anyone actually feel more productive or rested this week? The irony is the seasons and cyclical rhythm of the earth don’t change because we label it. The concept of cycles and rhythms is part of creation.
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Prayer: Breaking Down the Formula

Whether you’re a follower of Jesus or not, you probably have questions about prayer. Why should we pray? How should we pray?
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No Regrets

Many of us are looking forward to great things happening in 2022. Some of us may be looking back at the past year with regret. It seems regret is something that's unavoidable in life – in our decisions, relationships, faith, and so many other areas. But what if regret was preventable?
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Good News

It’s human to associate fear with authority figures — most of us don’t like getting in trouble. Somewhere along the way, we end up attaching that same fear to God. And if we are afraid of Him because of what we’ve done wrong, it becomes impossible to experience intimacy with Him. This is what makes the Christmas story such good news — because Jesus came, we no longer have to hide from God because of our sin.
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Connecting Stories

Our life’s experiences and how we are made form our unique story. The same is true for everyone we meet. In order to love and care for others well, we need the humility to remember we are rarely fully aware of others’ stories — there are often parts we don’t know. This is why cultivating empathy for others is so important. Empathy is God’s tool to foster grace for ourselves and others.
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You Are Here

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a map for our faith journey like there is for hiking trails? What if there were mile markers along the way that help us to know what we could be feeling and experiencing at any given point? What if there were real life warning signs that helped protect us from dangers and death? The good news is there is a map of spiritual growth with mile markers that will help you in developing your relationship with God.
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The Paradox of Generosity

So often we think of generosity in terms of what we are giving away. The idea that generosity gives us something seems incredibly hard to believe. But this is the paradox of generosity — the more we give away, the more we gain all sorts of benefits.
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Remodeling Your Mind

What if we could remodel our life by remodeling our mind? What if we could take our life in a completely different direction just by changing our thought patterns? The good news is there is a simple process that enables us to do just that.
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Level Up: 5 Ways to Take Your Faith to the Next Level

The two times recorded in Scripture where Jesus was amazed was when there was great faith and a great lack of faith. What is faith exactly and how can we level up our faith so that it doesn’t atrophy?
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Family Filters

We all strive for the ideal, but this doesn’t mean we can avoid reality. What do we do when our carefully cultivated social media images don’t really reflect the fullness of our real lives? How do we manage that tension? Oftentimes, we try to filter it or change the ideal. But Jesus gives us another way.
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Love Thy Neighbor

How do you define the word “neighbor?” How does Jesus define it? Is it actually possible to love all our neighbors well, despite differences, hurts, and discomforts? This week, we’re talking about the one thing that empowers us to do just that.
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The Gift of Clarity for Men

Happy Father's Day! Whether you're young or old, whether you're a father or not (or hope to be someday!), the Bible has some great examples of how to step up and lead courageously.
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The Twelve that Changed the World

The Twelve Disciples were some of the most influencial people in history, changing the world with their lives and ministry in only a few short years. What's incredible is that they were teenagers at the time. So how can we empower the next generation to be world changers today?
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You've Got a Friend in Me: 5 Keys to Great Relationships

We have never been more connected in this world, while at the same time, we have never been more disconnected. Many of us lack the intimate friendships that we need to bring us joy and real satisfaction in life. Developing truly intimate relationships across the board — within our families and friendships — takes time and effort. How can we unlock the power of relationships in our life?
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Story of Your Life

There is power in a story. The story you write with your life can have a powerful impact on the people around you. But the legacy you leave is profoundly impacted by the decisions you make when the unexpected happens. The good news is that we don’t have to navigate these decisions on our own. We have a God who wants to guide us so our lives will be a story worth telling instead of a story we hope no one remembers.
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Easter 2021

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Welcome Home: A Conversation About Eternity

What happens after we die? What is Heaven really like? Does an after-life give us meaning in this life? Chances are, these are questions you have thought about before. We all do. It can be tough to answer them, but the answers we choose can have enormous implications on how we live our lives each and every day. We are going to be tackling these difficult questions in Welcome Home: A Conversation About Eternity.
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In Your Head

Research would suggest that we were perhaps the most anxious generation that has ever lived even before 2020 began. But with so many people struggling with their mental health, why is there such a stigma associated with anxiety, depression, isolation, loneliness, emptiness, and more? Could it be that you are way more normal than you think and relief could be closer than you realize?
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Nothing Else

What if in 2021, you could look back and say this was a year that you focused more and more on something that really changed your life? What if you discovered something that could make 2021 a year of growth and insight for you? Join us as we launch a new series to find out how shifting our focus can change things for the better.
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Hope for the Holidays

How do we choose to hope even when our circumstances paint a bleak picture? When God doesn’t act the way we want Him to in the timing we want Him to, how can we continue to pursue faithfulness? If we want to find real hope this Holiday season, we need to start by remembering the past.
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Navigating the Season

The holidays can be stressful during the best of times, and Thanksgiving 2020 is sure to have challenges all its own. So how can we live at peace with those around us and successfully navigate this holiday season?
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Brick by Brick

Leadership is all about influence, which means every single one of us is a leader in some area of our life. In Brick by Brick, we'll take a look at the story of Nehemiah, and find out what his life and leadership can teach us about how we can be wise, sensible leaders.
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Welcome Back

When times are difficult and we're out of our normal routines, it's easy to feel the pull towards the wrong things. We can let our fears and loss of confidence lead us to a resistible version of our faith. But there's a way to overcome our fears and fulfill the destiny God has for each of us.
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Red & Blue: The Way Forward with Politics & Religion

Politics and Religion are two topics people tend to avoid because they can be uncomfortable, but Jesus actually had a lot to say about them. In this series, we'll spend a few weeks taking a look at how we can navigate this election season and the role that faith plays in it for each of us.
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Made for This

If someone claimed that we were all made for something specific, how would you determine whether that was true? And if it were true, what would it mean for your life?
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I Can't Hear You

Why are we so bad at listening? And how much could we improve our lives, our relationships, and our faith if we could learn to tune out all of the noise that distracts us and really begin to listen – to each other and to God?
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Church 2020

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Fresh Start

We wish making a fresh start was as simple as pushing a button. But it's not that easy. So what does a fresh start look like in our lives — in our relationships, in our parenting, at work, or even as a culture? What are the practical steps we can take to experience something better — a genuine fresh start?
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You're Not the Boss of Me

“I can’t believe I said that. Where did that come from?” If we’re not careful, our emotions can shape our actions much more than we want them to. But monitoring our behavior isn't enough. We need to monitor our hearts and tell our emotions, “You’re not the boss of me.” The good news? God's ready and willing to help us with this process.
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On the Other Side

We all want to write a great story with our lives — to get to the other side of those important and sometimes difficult seasons — and see that our faith has deepened, our relationships strengthened, and lives have been productive. Starting this Sunday, we will learn what steps to take in order to be able to tell the story we want to tell on the other side.
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Easter 2020

The fear and uncertainty we face today is so similar to what Jesus' followers felt in the hours after his death. But because of His resurrection, we can live differently.
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He's Still* Got the Whole World in His Hands

Life today is more uncertain than ever as we're facing unprecedented events. When life is difficult and anxiety is high, who can we turn to? Does God still have the whole world in his hands?
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While believing in Jesus gives hope, Christianity is not based on hope or blind faith. It's based on evidence. As an eyewitness to many of Jesus' miracles, the apostle John reminds us that the supernatural feats of Jesus are not just random acts of kindness meant to help and inspire people. They are signs that give evidence for who Jesus is.
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This is Northpoint

Everyone has a story. What’s Northpoint’s? And how can you be part of it?
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Love, Dates & Heartbreaks

Whether you’re single, dating, married, or “it’s complicated,” we’re FOR healthy relationships.
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Who doesn't want this year to be better than last year? But even though we start off with good intentions and making a commitment to improve, we often end up not following through. There’s got to be a better way, right? A perfect year may be impossible. But a better year is possible.
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The Unsettling Solution for Just About Everything

Is there really such a thing as a solution to everything? There is and we can sum it up in one word — grace. It’s the undeserved, unmerited, unearnable favor that Jesus came to offer us. So why wouldn’t we want Christianity to be true if this is a gift we can both receive and pass onto others?
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Greater than Grateful

Around Thanksgiving, we hear a lot of people sharing what they’re grateful for. But is there something that’s greater than grateful?
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Two million is a lot of people to be FOR. What if the key to doing that successfully is way more personal than you ever imagined?
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The Bible for Grown Ups

Many of us grow up hearing Bible stories, but when we grow up we wonder: Can these really be true? And even if they are, what does this have to do with me now? To find answers to these questions, we can't look at individual stories. Instead, we dig into the story of the Bible.
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Money Talks

If your money could talk, what would it say?
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Dream Job

So many people spend a third of their life at a job they dislike. In this series, we’ll look at what God says about work, what we can do to discover our purpose, and ultimately answer the question, "Is it possible to find my dream job?"
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This Changes Everything

Whether you’ve been around church for a while or you’re new, you’ve probably heard of baptism. But what is it? What’s the purpose? Should it be something confusing, or perhaps something simple, personal, and beautiful? This one off message brings refreshing clarity to the conversation!
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Life is made up of moments – big ones, little ones, happy and sad ones. How can we leverage the power of the moments in our lives to shape our stories and our legacies?
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Life Hacks

According to Wikipedia, a life hack is "any trick, shortcut, skill, or novelty method that increases productivity and efficiency." Would you believe us if we told you that there are life hacks that are thousands of years old that can make your life better and make you better at life?
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The Blessing

Whether you're a parent or not, whether your relationship with your parents is amazing or not-so-close, the great news is that we can all receive a blessing from our Heavenly Father that has the power to change everything – for us and for those that come after us.
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The Best Summer Ever

The pool. The beach. Camping trips. Playdates. Popsicles... What are your great big plans for the summer? What if there was a way to make this summer the best one yet?
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Adulting is Hard

Some days, being an adult feels really hard. We’re called to leave our childish ways behind when we grow up, but is this easier said than done?
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